The Maasai » Maasai Project »

During the last years, our association has completed some quite important projects on the Maasai territory in Kenya. This ethnic group is very proud of its culture and traditions and it is an incredibly united and supportive people. During our first visit there in January 2006, after 5 years of continuous dryness, the persons were used to eat every other day and we understood that their communities are a kind of extended family.
At that time, we had delivered about 10 tons of foodstuffs and the village called nearby villages to share what had been given to them.
This made us hope that our future work for them would be worthwhile. This work is carried out by volunteers who spend part of their time (even of their holidays) for this project.

Since then, in August 2006 we made a 160 m deep water well which was like a miracle for the local people after two days of drilling (cost 34.000 Euro). As the first water flew out, the whole village started dancing under the water spray and gave thank to a handful of volunteers who gave some thousands of people the hope of an easier future life.

At that time, the last day we were supposed to stay in the village, a woman suddenly fainted and, after a moment of panic we tried to help her with a blanket and some hot water. We realized that there was nothing else we could do for her and felt so helpless; it was a feeling that nobody would like to have for one of his family members. At home, something like this would be handled with all known technological possibilities and, all of a sudden we understood that so much is taken for granted by most of us: water, electricity, medical aid, etc. etc.
Therefore we decided to return home and to start working for a medical first aid dispensary. In 4 months we managed to send a container of medical equipment, build a structure and open it in January 2007 – another miracle.

Today this dispensary assists about 500 patients every month and supplies medical drugs free of charge. But, as usual, at this point we just couldn’t stop and in September 2007 we started a scholarship so that a young Maasai could study medicine and next year there will be a scholarship also for a young woman who will be a nurse. The dispensary will be self-sufficient and managed by the community. In 2004 the community created an own organization which moves around the territory to bring help, give health information and, lately, information concerning speculation projects in their territory.